Timing is the key.
Immunology is the game.
At this time - this time is a lovely sunny summer evening - I'm not going to justify myself. Take it or leave it. Timing is the key but just because you miss the ideal time don't mean vaccinations are a waste of time...
You may have heard of auto immune diseases. Arthritis, diabetes, hey I don't know,
The candidates Highly probable
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, SLE, Goodpasture's syndrome, Pemphigus. If you ain't got those you ain't heard of 'em.
But.. Graves's disease, myaesthenia gravis, insulin resistance if you ain't heard of them you don't know medicine.
Probables include Diabetes mellitus(some) Possibles include primary billliary cirrhosis, vitiligo, oh stuff.
So, three major immune system failures and I've got the 4th.
The three are, auto immune diseases where the immune systems starts to attack the healthy and essential bits of the body, Cancer where the body fails to destroy abnormal tissues in the body. Infection where the immune system fails to repel boarders. Failure malfunction of the immune system to properly maintain itself.
The timing. The timing thing is that there is a window in time when the immune system works in reverse. It's like passing out parade, like the mug shots in the training college corridor, THESE GUYs IS YOU. So if the mother catches something at certain periods of the pregnancy, the bugs concerned sneaks their mug shots into the team photo.
So, if we're in training mode, if we've not yet got to colostrum dosing post partum being born mode and we catch a load of something we - our immune systems - say ar! Us and destroy all prospect of ever gaining an immunity to that.
So? So if you got a blood group and if you're alive you do, then you have no chance if It's the Rhesus thing.
All hell breaks loose when a woman is having a second or subsequent baby if she's Rh
Oh the hell with this I'm not gonna get it wrong.
As a mother comes up to time for giving birth the separation between her blood circulation and the baby(s)'s blood circulation - heaven forfend you have two fraternal twins of different Rhesus blood types, do not under any circumstances opt for a midwife led maternity home. the obstetricians and haematologists in a proper hospital will sort you out - breaks down and she gets a dose of baby's blood and she makes antibodies to it and next time she gets pregnant she's primed and if the next baby is also the opposite (+/-) then she'll fair rip into it treating it a a tumour. Say why don't that always happen?
Cos wimin have their immune systems 'shut down' during pregnancy - and that dear reader is why you get yer jabs BEFORE you get pregnant. Waste a time if yer pregnant.
So if you catch sumfin when yer pregnant you won't fight it off, and yer kid will not recognise it as a baddy and may develop an immunity blind spot to that bug anyway.
All round total bad news gettin' an infection when yer pregnant.
So to be somewhat controversial- perhaps auto immune diabetes is caused by having an under developed or late developing pancreas before birth - that's just a thought.