Democracy in the workplace.

There's a major problem with workplace democracy. I don't know the numbers but sure as hell there are more domestics than doctors in a hospital.

Somehow a public service has to face up to the question If a dozen domestics have a - far - larger 'share of ownership' in the hospital where they work that a team of four surgeons what is the basis of the right of the surgeons to have the domestics do things their way? Apparently none.

Essentially, once you appoint professors of nursing studies then professors of nursing studies can declare - ex cathedra - that alternative medicine is best.

The thing here is that we are not talking about 'domestic issues' such as whether the Annual Hospital Fete should be on the second or third Saturday in July, we're talking about what whether it's appropriate for a transplant surgeon to 'walk around the place as though he owns it'.

Does that Jaguar in the car park belong to an eye surgeon or a visiting footballer? Let's face it if it were a Ferrari we'd know which it was.