In school we learn many things that we soon forget.

Most children learn about magnets and then perhaps we buy some from a joke shop or whatever.

We learn that magnets attract and repel and from magnets we get the idea of attraction and repulsion being equal and opposite properties.

In life it may not be so. It is said that the single dominant motivation towards political activism is a wish to spend as many evenings out of the family home as possible - at minimum cost, hence not down the pub.

The question this begs is: Which is more important in the self selection of political activists, the loneliness or conflict in the home or the warm glow of camaraderie in the political fold?

Which is it in the case of Cherrie - oh she's lovely, she just takes a poor photograph - Booth?

Is that Cherrie - devout Roman Catholic, no contraception, four children and one miscarriage in thirty years of marriage, how often does he get it on? - Booth?

Somewhere along the line, there are sixty million people in the UK around ten to fifteen million of whom at any one time are having sex several times a week - even if none of them are Prime Ministers or civil servants - police officers anyway , widowed political activists..

So the question has to be: Why is it always the official line that instead of projecting forwards from 5 million sex acts a night to one murder a day, it's one murder a day projected back to one sex act?

Part of the trouble is that there is no 'otherwise sane' politician willing to stand up and say People get murdered because other people loose their tempers. Vote for me if you agree. Vote for me and I'll divert money from sexual repression into anger management classes.